Monday, February 22, 2010

What happens to your vision if you have glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a sight stealer. It is actually a group of diseases that gradually affect a person’s sight. It causes damage to the optic nerve. We need our optic nerve in order to see. You can think of the optic nerve as an electric cable that conducts thousands of images and send the information to the brain.
This condition can strike anyone at any time but it is far more prevalent in the elderly. This disease has two main categories: open angle and closed angle. At one time doctors thought that it was high pressure in the eye that caused the disease and subsequent loss of vision but now it is known that other factors are involved.
Most people do not realize they have this disease until they either have an eye examination or they begin to have a loss in vision. The damages do not occur suddenly. It builds up over time until vision is lost completely.
That is why it is so important to have a yearly eye exam, especially if you have a family history of the disease, have vision problems already, are over forty or have diabetes. Once the damage is done, there is very little that doctors can do to correct it. Researchers are working on a cure for this devastating disease that robs people of their vision but as of yet there is not a cure.
This is a yes and no question. Yes, the elderly are most commonly the ones affected by the disease. But people as young as nine or ten can be examined and can show signs of glaucoma. If it is hereditary, it can be passed down. The status of the optic nerve may remain outside the normal range but the eye still is healthy for a number of years.
But those that have a history of this disease in their family need to be monitored to ensure that the pressure of the eye does not increase nor does the optic nerve begin to look damaged. So to answer the question properly…anyone can be affected by this disease no matter what the age.
Most surgeries take place in the doctor’s office and you are able to go home that day. Even if it does take place in a hospital, you go home that day unless there are unforeseen complications. You can expect to have some eye discomfort and will probably be prescribed eye drops to help bring the pressure back down to normal or within normal range.


  1. Glaucoma is a eye condition which could lead to vision loss if left untreated. There are various treatment available for Glaucoma in India at various and popular eye care centre in India.
